Examination of Edward Aston
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 280r
The Examinacion of Major Edward Aston of Kilbarrye in the County of Waterford esquire taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Major Buttler of in the County of Wexford esquire
Vpon the whole matter of the Interrogatoryes the Examinant deposeth & saith that the said Buttler and was in armes & Joyned with the Irish Rebells of the County of Wexford in or about the moneth of July 1642: when the said Rebells beseiged, sumoned & tooke the Castle of Tinterne then guarrissoned by the deponent & a partie of english vnder his Comand, And that the said Buttler had the title & was called a Maior by the Irish at that time & had a partie of <Armed> men with him, but the certaine Number the deponent knoweth not: And further saith that the said Buttler did accompany the rebells in Armes when they went as a guard to bring this deponent & his partie to ffetherd where they were to take shipping to transporte themselues for england Munster The deponents Cause of knowledge is for that the deponent did see the said Buttler then & there in Armes in manner aforesaid, & did heare him the said Buttler called by the Name of Major by the Irish rebells then in Armes & further cannot depose &c
Edw: Aston
Sworne before vs the 3d of ffebr 1653
Am Andrewes
Edward Withey
fol. 280v