Examination of John O Murrow
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819287v335] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:08 AM
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fol. 287v
The Examinacion of Robert Browne John O murrow taken on behalfe of the Commonwealth concerninge Roberte Rosseter aforesaid
Vpon the whole mater of the interrogateryes sath that the said Roberte did liue in the first yeare of the warr at the bridge of bargee aforesaid and beinge the Irish quarters and <r> that he did Contrebute in the said first yeare to the maintaynance of the Irish and was at Duncanon in armes as the a priuet persone in the yeare aforesaid against the English: and was at the batle of ballebegge nere Rosse in the Irish armie and further he can not depose
John [mark] O Murrow his marke
Sworne and examened
before vs this 31th of december 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard