Examination of William Barwick
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fol. 294r
The Examinacion of William Barwick of Ross aged about 50 yeares taken in the behalfe of the Lord Protector and Comon Wealth of England duly sworne and examined deposeth as follows against Richard ffitzharris of Coleback
<1 2> To the first and 2d Inter hee saith that the aboue named Richard ffitzharris did live at his house in Coleback abouesaid in the first yeare of the Rebellion and sithence and did not remove himselfe <w> into the English Quarters as others English & Protestants did & as hee might haue done
<3> To the 3d Interr hee saith that the aforenamed Richard ffitzharris did pay all publicque Levies [imiposed] vppon him during the first yeare of the Rebellion and sithence as others did being imposed vppon all & as hee beleeveth
To the 4th Inter
To the 4th Inter hee saith that the abouesaid Richard ffitzharris did in the first yeare of the Rebellion goe into the County of Wexford Waterford & there did plunder many Cowes <x> and sheepe from the English, and brought them vnto the County of Wexford to his owne dwelling house as hee was credibly informed & veryly beeleveth to bee true
<{Richard ffitzharries of }>
fol. 294v
To the 5 hee saith that at all often times the said ffitzharris did repaire to the Towne of Wexford & Kilkenney <y> where the Supreame Councell & Countey Councell did comonly reside during the 1o yeare of the Rebellion & afterwards
To the 6o
To the 6th hee cannot depose
To the 7th & 8th hee saith not
To the 9th hee saith that the said ffitzharris was in the first yeare of the Rebellion of a Justice of Peace & afterwards Knight Marshall of the County of Wexford before <z> the Comeing over of the English Army vnder the Comaund of his highnes the Lord Protector
To the 10th hee saith that the said Richard ffitzharris had a Sonn by name James ffitzharris which went forth into Rebellion about the yeare 1648 and as this deponent was credibly informed was made a <a> Captaine & was at the Skermish where the late Lord Collonell Cooke was slaine
To the 11: 12 & 13th hee cannot depose
Williame Barrick
Sworne before vs 1o March 1653
Tho Dowse
William Woodwarde