Examination of William Stafford
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fol. 297r
The examinacion of william Stafford gent taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning George Turnor of Ballifennocke gent in the County of wexford.
<To the 1st Inter> The deponent saith that the said George liued the first yeare & ever sithence in till the yeare 1649: in the Irish quarters sometime at Ballireagh, & sometime in wexford, & did not remooue into the english quarters, as Sir walsingham Cooke & other english & protestants neere his habitacion <n> did, nor could not soe remooue without losse of his estate, as the deponent conceaueth.
<To the 2d Interr> he cannot depose
<to the 3d Inter> he saith and beleiueth that the said George did Contribute his proporcion in all publicque leuyes Imposed on <o> the Countrey for the maintenance of the Irish forces against the english the said first yeare of the warre & sithence.
<To the 4th 5th 6th & 7th> The deponent saith and beleiueth that if the said George had been was (compos mentis) during the tyme of the <p> warre he was at publicque meetings & abetted (with others) the rebellyon, & did take the oath of associacion being a thing soe generall that it could not bee auoyded of any as this deponent conceaueth
<To the 8th & 9th> he cannot depose
<To the 10th> he cannot deposeth & saith that he beleiueth that the said George held correspondency with & harboured & cherished releiue <q> some of the Irish partie as were in actuall Armes for the Irish against the english
<To the 11: 12: & 13> he cannot depose, and further saith not
William Stafford
fol. 297v
Sworne before vs the
4th of January 1653
R: Hussey
Edward Withey