Examination of Art oge ô Bryen
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fol. 302r
The Examinacion of Art oge ô Bryen Late of Killallgo{n} in the barrony of Scarewailsh & County of Wexford gent aged fortie fiue yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalf{e} of the Comonwealth Concerning Hugh ô Bryen of Tomricke in the barrony & County aforesaid gent deceased vpon the Interrogatoryes annexed to the Comission of enquiry.
<To the 1st inter> The Deponent saith that he well knew the said Hugh, for that hee was the said Deponents kinsman & that the said Hugh dwelt at <b> Tomricke in the Irish quarters the first yeare of the rebellyon & after till he was killed The deponents cause of knowledge is appeares in that the said Hugh was the deponents kinsman as aforesaid
<To the 2d interr> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 3d & 4th inter> The deponent saith That the said Hugh did in the first yeare of the Rebellyon & before the 10th of 9ber 1642: voluntarily Contribute his person in Armes, and did act and abet the said Rebellyon in that he the said Hugh raysed a Company of men & Comanded them as their Captayne for the Irish against <c> the english and that the said Hugh with his Company among the Irish being at the fight of Ballibegg against the english was there slayne: His the deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent did see the said Hugh Raysing of and marching about the Countrey in the head of his said Company in the first yeare of the said Rebellyon, and in that the said Hugh never since Returned to his howse since the said fight of Ballibegg where he was killed in manner aforesaid and further saith not &c
Art oge [mark] ô Bryen his marke
Sworne before vs the
25th of ffebruary 1653
Edward Withey
R: Hussey