Deposition of Robert Dawborne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:51 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 183r
Robert Dawborne of Cargeen, in the parish of knockmorne in the Barrony of kynn a ttalon and within the County of Corke yeoman A brittish protestant, duly sworne and Examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission, deposeth and saith, that on or about the Eighteenth day of ffebruary Last past, and since the begeinning of this present Rebellion in Ireland he lost, was robbed and forcibly dispoyled of his goodes and Chattles, to the seuerall values following, vizt, value of 100 li.Imprimis one mare, and Two ffatt hogges to the value of ffiue powndes Of his Corne in house, and hay ffower powndes. Of his household stuffe, and Implements of husbandry to the value of ffiue powndes This deponent further saith that he hath Corne on ground which he Conceiueth to be Lost to the value of sixteene powndes, This deponent further saith that by meanes of this Rebellion he was dispos sessed of his said farme, where in he had a lease of Twenty seauen yeares to come vnexpired, worth to t his deponent Comunibus Annis six e ten powndes per annum sixe shillings eight pence per Annum over and aboue the Landlords rent, in which lease this deponent together with his Improvement in building fencing & c Conceiues himself dampnified to the value of fifty three score pownds & ten pownds. He sayth that he was robd by John & Richard Cundon of Baledurgin & BalymcPatrick gentleman & their Tenants & ffollowers./ the totall of his losses amounts to the value of one hundred pownds./ & further he cannot depose.
Robert [mark] Dawberns marke
Jurat coram nobis 23d Aug:
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 193v
The Examinacion of
Robert Dawborne