Deposition of Ann Duninstery
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 102r
An Duninstery of Burtones towne in the County of Meath & parish of Ballenagarvyn a protestant deposeth that about the 24th of October 1641 th at diuers persons tenants to the Lord of Slane and the inhabitants of the foresaid towne being all Irish did in the night tyme robb and despoyle this deponent to the valew of <A> sixscore and two pounds and ij s. the said Rebells, and Robbers alleadging that the king had graunted them his brode seale for doing thereof and that the English wer rebbells and had banished the Queen out of England & that she wold neuer retorne to England, whilst a protestant was aliue in Ireland and that they had power to take away the Lands of all the English and hang them, but they wold not doe it that, being to good a death for them, and therfore wold starue them, and saye that they shold neither gett dublyn nor be suffred to goe for England, but be starved to death vpon the hiles, and that was to favorable a death, for protestant English whom they had suffred to long
<rec> 4to Januarij 1641
John Sterne
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 102v
Ann Drounsters Com: Meath
Jur 4o Jan: 1641
Intr 24 octo