Deposition of Ralphe Gill
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:11 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 104r
Ralphe Gill of Moyglare in the Countie of Meath and in the baronie of Dice dothe depose that about the Last of Nouember: 1641 was Robed of Coues and Garranes and hath Lost in heay to the vallue of ___________________________________________ 35 li.
and in houeshould stufe to the vallue of _____________________ 20
and in Corne taken and detened from me the vallue ____________ 80
and the lose and hinderance of the beniefit of my Leace _____ 180
and it was Edward Hussie of Mulhussie and Walter Hussy of Loughtowne that did Rob me and Caues me to be Robed to the sum of 221 315 li.
Ralphe Gill
Deposed Jan: 15o. 1641 before vs
Randall: Adams:
Hen: Brereton
fol. 104v
15 o
Raphe Gill Com Meath
Jur 15 Jan: 1641
vlt Nov: