Deposition of George Gonne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:08 PM
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fol. 105r
(158)The examina c ion of George Gonne clerke Late Incumbent of the parish of Athboy This examina n te being duely sworne vpon his oath formerly taken deposeth that being Sequestrator of the parish aforesaid continued in the discharge of his ministeriall function there from the first settling of his maiesty s garison therein vntill about a month after it was all drawne away, though with very litle encouragement in regard of pinching penury and apparent perill wherewith the said garison was assaulted; ffor the whole provison of Corne, which was the onely hope of the releife thereof was vtterly wasted and consumed by the Enemys during the time, that they beseiged the said towne which was dur when Captain Edward Billingsly there Commaunded in Cheife, But afterwards the conclusion for Cessation of Armes Captain Thomas Quin being deputed Governor thereof, severall of the Inhabitants who before the late rebellion resided in the said towne, and the Quarters therevnto adjoyning repaireing vnto theire former lands and tenements were protected by the said Captain Quin and others who there had the commaund, Wherevpon diverse tithes, dutys and other Ecclesticall perquisites did grow due vnto the Examinate, the which albeit this Examinate did often demaund, yet the said inhabitants refused to pay, and albeit complaint was made unto the said Governor Captain Quin, yet was not this Examinate releived by the said Captain; and whenas the said Captain was drawne away, and the Goverment of the said towne was in the hand of Major Thomas Trafford then Governor of Trim likewise, This Examinate complayning vnto the said Governor obteyned his warrant requireing the said Inhabitants to satisfy him this Examinate in his demaunds, and albeit the said Inhabitants promised so to doe, yet did they faile, and at length vtterly refused to pay this examinate any of his said perquisites & tithes albeit this did shew them his authority vnder the Lord Bishopps hand and seale; ffor some of them <A> as Mr Richard Preston of Kilkeylan, Mr Richard Terill of Athboy & others alleadged that they would acknowledg no such authority, and the Portriffe himselfe Richard Browne alleadged that they had a preyt of their owne to maynteyne, and they would give no church dutys vnto any other, anothers said that let him the deponent [ mee ] doe what I could I should not get worth three pence benefit there this twelvmonth of which number was one Thomas Misset, another vizt vnto Mr Preston aforesaid alleadged that they would admitte of no vicar but such as should bee chosen and approved by themselves; And the said Preston alleadged that he would pay no manner of tithes albeit he had received a protection from his Maiestys Officers in regard that the tith was not specified to bee paid in his condicions for his foarth sheafe By all which meanes this examinante was vtterly frustrate of his expectation by the benefice aforesaid and had not God by f other meanes afforded him some small releife he with his forlorne family (who lay sicke there after vpon their coming <off> out of the Enemys hands for 20 and 4 weekes) had vtterly perished
Neither did the said parishoners content or satisfy themselves in deteyning what of right did belong unto this examinate, but withall vpon the second day of ffebruary last past some of the said inhabitants made a grave and went about to bury a corps in the charity aid of the said towne within this examinates priuity or licence of which this examinate haveing gott notice repaired vnto them ate the churchyard to demaund his due perquisite wherevpon two of Captain Georg Cusackes souldiers layd hold on him this Examinante, and threatned that if the examinate would with stand or gainesay them they would lay him this examinate in the grave vnder the said dead corps, and then they h laid hold vpon this examinate and teareing his cloathes this examinate could hardly escape their hands And whenas this examinate complayned vnto the Portriffe and Burgesses of the abuses aforesaid one of the foresaid souldiers standing by, and justifying their said fact. the said Portriffe replied that they were soldiers, and therefore he could not say nor doe any thing against them in this examinates behaulfe wherevpon this examinate finding this harsh vsage and feareing worse & having no charge left him there, and haveing his poore house, where hee resided taken from him by Mr Scurlocke of the ffraine repaired, with the remaynder of his poore forlorne family vnto Dublin, whither the parish Clerke of Athboy <B> aforesaid being come avouched that presently vpon this examinates removeall <one> Christopher Plunket the popish preist of that parish with the consent of his parishioners erected an altar in the parish church aforesaid and there doth usually say Masse, though the said towne church bee within a towne {garisoned} by his Maiestys fources, and in their possession all which abuses, with many { }minate if occasions seuered could [ ] averr to bee [ ] done there
fol. 105v
Whereby it is evident what affections and vsage any of his Maiestys Leige people and especially they of the Clergy are to expect from the inhabitants afforesaid and or any the like of them Who though haveing received many favours have demeaned themselves as formerly is related
Jur vt supra
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
George Gonn Jur
hand Intw