Examination of Thomas Ellwill
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The Examinacons of Wittnesses taken before me att youghall the eighteenth day of October 1652 in and Concerneinge the murderinge of Mr Thomas Reinolds of Tallow &c
<A> Thomas Ellwill beinge duely sworne and examined vpon the holy Evangelist deposeth and saith that he goeinge to<A> visitt one Manus mc Shee then a prysoner and he this deponent inquiringe of the prysoner in and Concerneinge the death of Thomas Reinolds late of Tallow the said Prisoner Complayned of his hard vsage, by reason he was boulted and none of the rest of the prisoners, and sayd although I did kill him yett I hope I shall nott suffer for him for I bore him noe malice when I did itt because I did not know him meaneinge the saide Reinolds And further he deposed that the said Manus mc Shee deposed desyred very much to see the widdow Reinolds and saide that five hundred poundes and another husband would doe her more good then his life And further sayth not