Examination of Michaell willson
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fol. 326r
Michaell willson of Tallow gent beinge duely sworne and examined deposeth and saith that whereas he had a warrant for apprehendinge of one Manus mc Shee for and Concerneinge the death of his brother in law Mr Thomas Reinolds and after he had apprehended the sayde Manus and Comeinge with him in Company from Tallow to youghall & they <B> discourseinge by the way this deponent sayde vnto him I vnderstand that you Complayne against me for your vnciuill vsage whoe answered that he had noe other occassion but to Complayne for that he was boulted aboue all other prysoners in the Marshalshies then further the said Manus mc Shee replyed your sister may Conceiue what I did; I did itt not out of spite for I knew not the gentleman And further the sayde Manus said to this deponent that the greatest Cause of Complaynt he had against this deponent was in regard he would not goe suffer him To goe
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to goe to see his sister in law Mrs Reinolds but this deponent answered sayinge that woemen were subiect vnto passion & that he did Conceiue in regard <C> that shee had lost soe nere and deare a frend shee Could not with patience haue Conference with him to which the sayde Manus mc Shee replyed he had not Cared if shee had tore the hayre of his heard soe that had but onely spoke with her And further sayth not
Ro: Saunders
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deposicons of wittnnesses
against Manus mc Shee