Deposition of Thomas Johnson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:07 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 117r
175To the right honorable the Commissioners appointed for the examination of such of his Maiesties sub jects of the British nation & de cent as haue beene Robbed in this present e Rebellion Thomas Johnson of Browne Rath in the
The humble Petition of Thomas Johnson
Lame n tabl y complayning sheweth That your su pp licantdeposeth County of Meath deposeth That in the begining of November 1641 he was Robbed stripped and dispoiled of all that ever hee had in the world att Browne Rath in the Countie of Meath by the Rebells person now vpp in Armes in those parts to the vtter ruine of this deponent your supplicant his wife familie & Three small Children; the particulars of which losse are as followeth (vizt) in Cattall as Cowes swine and the like fowerteene Pounds in household stuff & apparrell to the value of Tenne pounds sterling; in Hay to the value of Twelue Pounds sterling in all manner of Corne and graine in the Haggard; to the value of ffifteene Pounds sterling; in Corne in the grounde to the value of fortie pounds sterling, in Butter and Cheese to the value of Tenn pounds ster in all amounting to the val summe of one hundred and Tenne one pounds pounds The premis s es therefore tenderlie considered
Thomas Johnson
jurat 9. ffebr. 1641
Roger Puttocke
John SterneYo ur supplicant doth most humblie beseech your worshipps to examine your Petitioner vpon oath touching theise his great losses and that the same may bee Recorded and Certificate thereof made vnder your hands, whereby your supplicant may receive such present and future Releife from his sacred Maiestie as others in like Case doe or shall receive And hee shall pray &c.And the deponent Hughe Johnson of Brown Rath aforesaid alsoe deposeth That Thomas Colgan <A> of Collins towne was one of the partyes that committed the foresaid Robbery with the assistance of xxty persons of men & women from Blackall in the County of Meath and some 5 or 6 persons more from Collins towne aforesaid vnknowne by name to this examinant Att or about which tyme Joseph Blood of Staffords towne & John Golding of the same & George Lea of Kilcloone Pollenen wer robbed and despoyled by their neighbours of the Irishry
Hughe Johnson
Jur 9to ffebr 1641
John Sterne
Roger Puttocke
fol. 117v
fol. 118r
fol. 118v
Meath o
Tho: Johnson Hugh Johnson
Jur 9o febr 1641
+ Cert 1 No:
+The humble Petition of Thomas Johnson