Deposition of Bartholomew Newton
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:07 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 125r
13o Januarij 1641
Bartholomew Newton of Barrogge in the parish of Moyglare in the Barony of Dice, & Countie of Meath a brittish Protestant being duely sworne deposeth
That on or about the 26th of November last past about twelue of the Clocke in the Night, and about ten of the Clocke in the day next followinge was Robbed by the meanes of Edward Hussey of Millhussey and the <A> Barony of Galltrym and Alexander Barnewell of Orrestowne and their tennants all in the Barony of Dice in the Countie aforesaid
And Lost in Cowes, horses and Mares to the value of ________________ 73 li._00 s.
In househould goods to the value of ______________________________ 44 li._00_0
In Corne, and hay to the value of ________________________________ 32 li._00_00
In the lease of a ffarme to the value of ____________________________ 84 li._00_0
In Apparell to the value of _____________________________________ 14 li._00_0
In debts to the value of ________________________________________ 16 li._00_0
In Tymber to the value of ______________________________________ 04 li._00_0
In all to the value of 267 li._10 s._0 d.
The traiterous words that they then vsed was that they would make Dublin to yeild to them, Or els they would make it smoake & the said Edward Hussy & his follower stript this deponent his wife <B> & 2 children of there apparell exposing them to be starued by the cold
Bar: Newton
Depose Jan 15th 1641
Will: Hitchcock
Hen: Brereton
fol. 125v
fol. 126r
fol. 126v
Barth: Newton Com
Jur. 15o Jan: 1641
Intr 26 Nov