Examination of Christopher Croker

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=820338r275] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:54 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-11-30
Identifier: 820338r275


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Waterford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Stripping, Words, Succour
Commissioners: Isaiah Thomas, Robert Sanders
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 338r

The deposicons of Christopher Croker beinge duely Examined & sworne vpon the holy Evangelist deposeth
That vpon shroue tuesday 1641 Captain Edmund fennell with a stronge party of Rebels with him came vnto Ballyanker where this deponents ffather Edward Croker (and James Pike and John his son, Thomas Buttler & an other English man seruant vnto Captain Joshua Boule) then liued, And sayeth that the said Rebels summoned them to deliuer their armes and the said house vnto them or otherwise that they would take it by force yett notwithstandinge after they had beene aboute halfe an houre attemptinge of it and failed this deponents ffather desired quarter for himselfe his wife and children and those aboue named Englishmen and all others in the house with him for their liues, which they granted and promised to Convey them safe vnto halfe wayes vnto youghall or vnto the townes end of Lismore; wherevpon the doore was opened and as soone as the Rebels came in they began to deale very rough barbarousy with vs and stripped the deponent and his mother and his two brothers wherevpon the deponents ffather Edward Croker demaunded what they meant to doe with him or if they would breake their quarter The deponents Caus of knowledge is that he was with his ffather Edward Croker in the house and heard when the quarter was granted and saw his ffa: deliuer oute the armes at the same window which they attempted to enter att and that he was by his said ffather when he questioned them wheither they meant to breake their quarter (after the house was deliuered)
And farther sayeth that the same day they caused the deponents ffather to be shot to death and as the deponent heard the said ffennell did <B> with his owne hands shoote his said off ffather in the head after he had received two shotts before by those that were appointed to execute him & this deponent doth the rather beleiue it for that he heard one shott a pretty while after the first two which were discharged and from his when that he saw his ffa: Corps wounded with a shott in the head and two in the body when it was carryed vnto Lismore to be buryed

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<C> And farther sayeth that he this deponent heard seuerall of those Rebells tell his mother that ffennell was the only man that caused her husband to be putt to death for & that all the other of their officers were willinge to saue his life but the said ffennell whoe swore he would haue his life in reuenge of one of his men that was hangned by Captain Croker the then Gouernor of Capoquin whoe was kinsman to the deponents ffa:
And farther this deponent sayeth that the within named 4 Englishmen were the same day hanged vpon a gate by the said ffennells [ ] party and this deponent was standinge by when he saw them soe executed which is his caus of knowledge
And farther this deponent sayeth that in or aboute midsomer 1650 <D> he beinge then in Command vnder Colonell Sankie at Clonmell he mett with Leiutenant Collonell James Bryn who was then a prisoner there to whome this deponent went whoe told him that the aboue named Fennell was the only man that caused his the depo: ffather to be putt to death & this depo: doth the rather beleiue he told him truth for that the said Bryn vsed him and his mother and brother Emilly and tooke care of them at the same time when the deponents ffather was [ ] murthered and further sayeth not
Christopher Croker
This deposicion was sworne before vs me this last of November 1652
Ro: Saunders Isay Thomas

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The deposicons of Chr
Croker against Collonell

Deponent Fullname: Christopher Croker
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Edmund fennell, James Bryn, Captain Croker, Colonell Sankie, James Pike, John Pike, Thomas Buttler, Emilly Croker, Joshua Boule
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned