Deposition of William Robinson
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 134r
William Robinson of Novan in the County of Meath, parish Clark of the Novan, being duly sworne, deposeth That he Lost and was robbed of all his goods and Chattles to the value of Ten pounds sterl: about the 25th 19th day of November Last, by the meanes or by the hands of the Rebells of the county of Cavan, as allso by the meanes and by the hands of all the Inhabitants of the Towne <A> of the Novan <Baronie of Novan as Pat: Tallon Portrife Pat: Maning Will: Rely Edmond Maning Tho: Morgan Giles Kelly Ja: Kelly Tho: Delahide Nicholas Langan Rob: Muckahan Tho: Muckahan Ja: Halpenny Ja: Tallon Pat: Walsh Will: Mullegan John Morgan Edmond Mullegan Pat: Begg Ja: Maning Ja: Roe Tho: Cusack Shane Martin Edmond Erward and generally all of them; as this deponent wilbe ready to depose against them, when occasion is offered> who ioyned with the foresaid Rebells in robbing and spoyling this deponent of all his goods, and likewise did the same unto Roger Puttocke minister of the Novan. In which act of robbery these persons followeing did likewise ioyne with them [ ] { } and his 2 d Brother, Patrick Cusack of farristowne Esquire. Richard ffleming of Garmanstowne gent, Alexander Plunket of Gibstowne gent: ffrancis Wafer of Gianstowne gent. Thomas Nangle Baron of the Novan Esquire and his sonne George Nangle of Ardsallo gent Andrew Dillon of Riverstown gent. John Erward of Randlestowne gent, and <B> his eldest sonne and heyre now possessor of Racour gent Thomas Nettervile of Blackcastle gent and his sone Robert Nettervile of Knockcumber gent. James Cusack sonne to Patrick Cusack of Rathaldron Esquire, and Christopher Cusack of Balreske heyre and grandsone to the said Patrick Cusack, the two Dowdalls of Nealstowne gent John Warren of Churchtowne gent, and his Neighbour Mr Evers possessor and heyre of Retaine gent. young fatt Weldon of Rafin gent Mr Plunket the Lord of Telltowne gent ffrancis Hill son to Sir William Hill Symon Porter of Kingstowne <C> gent besides Pat: Neal of Harmanstowne, Hugh Neal of Stackallan, Cormuck Cornehan of Stackalla Pat: Dacree of Stakallan, Walter Barnewall of Cassistowne, Patrick McSymon of Symonstown and Tho: Keely of the same, all ritch ffarmers aboute the Novan. besides James Delahide, and Walter Delahide of Knockcumber gent, allso James Barnewell of Ballreske and his partner Barnewell in the said farme of Ballreske gent. All these and every of these had their hands in the robbery of the protestants at Novan, as of this Deponent, of Mr Roger Puttock, Mr Hugh Kent and others. Nevell Wiggnall of Nivenstowne by Novan was murthered, (as this deponent verely <D> beleeueth) by John Morgan of Novan. Richard Langford
fol. 134v
the hopman was murthered at the townesend of Novan. And further he cannot depose
Will: Robinson
Deposed this 7th January 1641 before vs
John Watson
Hen: Brereton
<E> He saith that James Wignall and his wife Christopher Wignall and his wife Thomas Coller and not h Richard Paniter of the Novan are fallen away from the Protestant Church to Mass
fol. 135r
fol. 135v
5 Will: Robinson
of Novan
County Meath.
7th January 1641
IntrA full deposition25o Nov: