Examination of Russell ffinger
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=820343r281] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:52 PM
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fol. 343r
<4> Russell ffinger Aged about sixty three yeares being duely sworne and Examined saith
<B> That he knoweth hath seene Captain ffennell at Caperqueene and he being This Deponent being in Caperqueen in the first yeare of the Rebellion Saw heard that a party of souldyers came into the said Capperqueen and that he heard that the said sou{ldyers} vnto Mountaine Castle where one Clement who{se} sirname he knoweth not and a But her & an Insign{e} Coale and a Bucher whose name likewise he know{eth} not who & some others went to sell some tobaccoe presently after the said Captain ffennell as this deponent heard Credibly
fol. 343v
reported kill hanged one the said Ensigne Richard Rylye & killed the said Ensigne Coale the said Clement & the said Butcher and tooke the three Crokers Crokers diuers other prisoners
the marke of
Russell [mark] ffinger
Isay Thomas Ro: Saunders