Deposition of John Sterling
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:07 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 139r
John Sterlinge Minister of Gallowe in the Barrony of Deise and County of Est Meath beinge duely sworne deposeth
That he Lost in his Church liveings 100 li. per annum & his farme worth 30 li. 30 li. per annumin Corne Turffe & hay ________________________________________120_00 s._00 d.
Item in Cattle to the vallewe ___________________________________020_00_00
Item in houshould stuffe to the vallew of _______________________ 060_00_ 00
in all200 li._00 s._ 00 d.
All which goods weare taken about the xxxth day of Nouember Last, the haggartt was seised and <A> taken vp by one Edward Hussey of Mullhussey in the barrony & Com aforesaid whoe saied he would keepe it and take it for the vse of the Irish Armie; the rest of the said goods weare alsoe taken by the said Edward and one Nicholas Hussey Vnckle to the said Edward whoe dwelleth in Gallow aforesaid in the Barrony & Com aforesaid and by them euer since detained
Debts due to the said John Sterling
due on Edward Hussie of Mulhussie Esquire _______________________128 li._00_00
Due vnto him by bond vpon Patrick Barnewall of Killbrue Esquire _____028 li._00 s._00
Due likewise vpon Nicholas Hussey _____________________________015 li._00_00
Due vpon [Chir] Hussey ______________________________________021_00_00
Due vpon Katherin Bennett ____________________________________002_00_00
Due on James Mooney of Garradice _______________________________14 li. 66 li._00 s._ 00 All theise debts are due vnto him in the County of Meathe
Murtagh Magawan of the ffearans in the Barrony & Com aforesaid _____008 li._00_00
fol. 139v
246 246
Debts due vnto him in Com of Killdare
Due vpon Garratt Plunkett of Garvocke in the barrony of Clane _______017 li._10 s._00 d.
Due vpon Donnogh Dellany of_______________________________ 017_10 s._00
035 li._00_ 00
Besides wastes in his buildings and corne in the ground in hagard _____ 40 li.
Totall summ ________________________481 li.
One beinge to be buried in the Church of Gallowe this examinats Proctor demaunding his dueties and fees one James Cusacke of <B> Clounmeaghan in Barrony of Deise & Com of Meath tooke the said Proctor by the beard and threw him into the Grane and saieing that he hoped that John Sterling should neuer be minister theare anie more but that the Preists and ffriers should be in his steade this was related vnto this deponent for a trueth by his said proctor
Jo: Sterling
Deposed before vs Jan. 4. 1641
Hen: Jones
William Aldrich