Examination of George Giles
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fol. 346r
The Examination of George Giles
The said George Giles beinge sworne by the holy Euangilist sayeth that within the nine dayes Sessation in the yeare 1642 he with others in his company went Neere vnto Mountaine Castell beinge therevnto invited there came Captain Edmond ffenell with a party of horse and fell vpon vs with force of Armes, wee noe ways <A> resistinge him or his party, by reason of the sessation and killed Ensign Coale, then Ensigne vnto Captain Hugh Croker, and Thomas Clements a millor, and one burne a bucher, the rest of our party beinge taken prisonors, the said ffenell Enqueared wheather any of our party had escaped answere was made that there was one which escaped which was a foote boye, the said ffenell caused vs to March downe vnto the Castell greene where hee asked some that stood by wheather wee that were prisoners had quarter, Liuetentant John Legg being then his owne Liuetenant, answered that wee had quartors vnto which the said ffenell answered that none had quartor but Barry Croker whome hee had giuen quarter vnto where vpon the said ffenell caused Richard O Rylie and one John Coagh soe called, straitway to be hanged Captain ffenell not departing vntill hee saw them dead, and then Marched vnto Dungarvan from thence to Carick on sure, and soe vnto Clonmell where wee reamined prisonors aboute six weekes And ffurther sayth not (saueinge) his cause of knowledge apeareth
George Gyles
This examinacon was taken before me the last of November 1652
Ro: Saunders
fol. 346v
The examinacon
of George Gyles
against ffennell