Examination of Isacke Quarrie
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=820347r285] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:31 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 347r
Nouember 24th 1652
<1> The exsamination of Isacke Quarrie of Caperquene aged about fiftie 8 years duly sworne and exsamined saith aboute a fortneth after the sesatian two Irish men troupers cominge as Conuoy for Capten wane an English Capten for the parlament to bring him from the Ennymes safe to Capoquene intised thr e of Captain Croakers sons and Ensuine Coale of Captain Croakers Company one James A Butcher & Clement <A> A Miller & one Richard Rilay with diuers others to goe allonge with them to to goe to mete them att Mountan Castle neare Croghnesledy att A day appoynted wheare they might boath sell them tobacco & buy sum Cattill and stayinge thare neare the Castle to drinke A bottil of beare one of the afforsaid Irish troupers by names Phillip Newman brought Captain ffennell (since Left Collonell) with his troupe to surround them who then & thare killed the said Ensigne Coale James the Butcher & Clemente the Miller and hanged the afforsaid Rylay the cawse of his knowledge is first that A ffoot boy escaped and tould this examinant and others them t h e parsons aforementioned was taken by the aforesaid ffennell & afterwards that he heard by his Captains 3 sones & Hew Gyles & George Gyles & John shipard declayer & Confirme the aforesaid murthers soe to haue bene commited as abouesaid they beinge taken presonars & hauinge quarter giuen at the same time by the said ffennell
Isacke [mark] Quarrie
his marke
This Examinacon was taken before me the day & year above wretten
Joh Harding