Examination of Margarett Southwell
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=820351r288] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:31 PM
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<1>The Examinacon of Margarett Southwell of Tallow bridge in the County of Corke spinster aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts beinge duely sworne and examined deposeth and sayth
that shee this deponent beinge att Tallow bridge and beinge there about some eight yeares since (as shee veryly beleeueth) att Midsommer last or there aboutes and one night shee beinge ready to goe to bed one Catheryn ny vltagh Came into her and tould her that <A> the enemy was Comeinge to Toune wherevpon shee Came out with her and Came into Mr John George Benbery his barne Joyneinge to his dwellinge house and imediatly after this deponent went to bed with the said Catherine ny vltagh Joane ny Currayne & others and suddenly after the [ ] Candle was putt out, the enemie Came in and broke open the window over Mr Benberry his head and then they plundered the house and Tooke away Mr Benberry prysoner and Carryed him away and that he was murdered aboue a myle from the house but by whome shee knoweth not onely shee deposeth and sayth that William mc Reghy [ ] now a prisoner in youghall and Patricke Sovayne his brother in law were o{f}in Company that partie with the enemy when the sayde Benberry was Carryed away as aforesaide and ffurther sayth not
Margerett Southwell
her marke
Phillip Ebzery