Deposition of Thomas Cary
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:00 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 157
144A note of such goods as Sir Thomas Cary lost of Portleicester Com Meath knighte sworne and examined saith That since the beginning of the presente Rebellion and by meanes thereof He was by the rebells depriued & dispoiled of his goods & meanes vizt In primis Nineteene milch cowes worth iij li. x s. the cow ___________ 66_10_00
Item eight score head of boefes and yonge cattle or
therabouts worth 25 s. a piece _______________________________________ 200_00_00
Twoe Mares one fole and a gelden worth 15 li. a piece of the three ___________ 45_00_00
Item five saddle Nages ______________________________________________ 18_00_00
Item 30 garrans or therabouts _________________________________________ 45_00_00
Item 80 sheepe or therabouts at 5 s. a piece ______________________________ 20_00_00
Item forty hoges smale and greate or therabouts __________________________ 30_00_00
Item my haggard in portlester ________________________________________ 200_00_00
Item my Cropp in ground there _______________________________________ 120_00_00
His rent vnpaid at the begining of the Rebellion or therabouts _______________ 400_00_00
1000 li. or therabouts for a yeares rent due at Hallantyde last and he is like to loose the fut u re proffitts vntill a peece be setled _______________________________________1000_00_00My his rent Corne in ffarrow in Westmeath three hundred barrells of bere worth at 10 s. a barrell ___________________________________________________ 150_00_00
Item 8 or 10 garrans and 50 barrells of bere lent to his tenants in the Contry ___ 40_00_00
Item 50 li. Lent to John freer and Thomas freer both robbed of the Rebells and dead
Lost by this rebellion _______________________________________________ 50_00_00
x li. due by Mr fountaine Lost by this rebellion __________________________ 10_00_00
houshold stuffe, wooll and other provision of his house
as it is valued by his wife ___________________________________________ 200_00_00
The burneing of his Castle and defacinge of his house as he coniectureth to his
Losse of ________________________________________________________ 200_00_00Sum ma totalis ________________ 2834 10_00Summa totalis ________________ 2794 10 00
Tho: Cary
Jurat 12o Januarij: 1642
Joh Watson
William Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
fol. 157v
Sir Tho: Cary Jur 12o Jan
Januarij 1642Cert