Examination of Rowland Lyndsey
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fol. 221r
435Ellen Salle Rowland Lyndsey sworne in Court saith That he was a dweller in Cashell at the begining <A> of the Rebellion that his father at liued on Philip ô Duyers lands & Donnogh ô Duyer, being Minister of the parish of Bally Temple That his father came to Cashell for proteccion, That afterwards the said Duyers came into Towne with an Army a great party, That the s on the 31 of december 1641. That this party that came into Towne, stripped all the English, and one of the Cheif of the Irish told this Examinant that he had rather bee shedding his bloud then Eating Roast meat. That soone after this Examinants father was killed & seuerall other English, The Examinant fearing the same measure being stript, went into a house to hide himselfe, & could get no Couering for a good while only hid himselfe among the furres in the yard, That afterwards vpon a proclamation That all the English that lay hid might depart the towne safe & should be Conveyed to Clonmell, & there vp la he went out & discouered himselfe but could not goe with the rest, and came to Clonmell because his wife was then very sick through cold taken when she was stripped being demanded who were <B> cheif in Comand of the Irish at theis accions he saith That he saw Philip ô Duyer the Comander in Cheif at his first Entring. That he heard that Donnogh ô Duyer came in with his brother but saw him not till about 4 dayes after all which time he layd hid & could not see who were actors, That Piers & Robert Boyton tooke Comand among the Irish after the said Murders
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but was not then as this Examinant heard That this Examinant heard one William Moone say That Vlick Bourke of Louslowere did almost <C> hang the said Moone, but that he felt no paine thereby, Bee asked whether he knew the <symbol> prisoners of the Barre or any of them Actors in the said Murders. he saith he knoweth not, only hath heard that William mcJohn ô Duyer of Crossaly Knoghore Boy of Pologarto killed his sayd father, And that Bryan Kerney Vlick Bourke were very Actiue in taking away the English mens goods Symon [Cane?] deposeth That And further saith not.
Rowland Lindsey
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The Examinacion of Rowland
Lyndesay of Cashell taken
in Court 13 Nouemb