Deposition of Joan Lane

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:24 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-05-26
Identifier: 825002r003


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Lost By Debt
Commissioners: Philip Bisse, Thomas Bettesworth
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 2r

Joan Lane of Downe Raile in the Countie of Corke widdow duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of &c deposed and saieth that since this Rebbellion in Ireland shee lost and was robbed and forcebly dispoiled of her goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt worth 16 li. 8 s.
Of horses worth three pounds ster shee further deposeth <stet> that John Danan of Danans towne debt now in rebellion debt seauen pounds ster shee further deposeth that Moris Hurly of Kilmallocke now in Rebellion debt three pounds and sixteene shillings ster which shee verily beleeueth is lost And shee further saieth William Roch of Clostoge in the Barony of ffarmoy and Countie of Corke hath tak now in rebellion hath taken by force from her three fowleing peeces worth fortie shillings ster And shee further deposeth that Richard wall of walestowne in the Countie of Corke is now in Rebbellion hath taken is indebted vnto her from her a yard and a halfe of broadcloath worth twelue pound shillings ster totall summe of sixteene pounds and eight shillings ster And further shee cannot depose
Joan [mark] lanes marke
Jurat coram
nobis 26o May
Tho: Bettesworth
Phil: Bisse

fol. 2v

The examination of
Joan Lane

Deponent Fullname: Joan Lane
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Danan, Moris Hurly, Richard wall, William Roch
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Rebel