Examination of Vlick Boorke
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fol. 239r
<symbol> The Examination of Vlick Boorke Prisoner att Clonmell taken before vs the 31th of August 1652
<A> This Examinant saithe he liued in Lislowren in the Barrony of Clonwilliam in the Co: Tipperary before the was rebellion & that he was att Cashell when Coll phillip ô Dwyer Entred in to Cashell with his Army 1641 & saith that James Roch of Abyatasell neare to balligrifen & William A mc Shean ô Dwyer of Crosalle & <Bryan Kearney> Bryen Kearny of ballybeg were did att that time Kill som English men and that partickelerly one Mr Carr within the Citty of Cashell & that he was an ey wittnes of it: & further saith that the saime day he saw som of the partys aboue mentiond to Kill a man about the Rock of Cashell [ ] that he saw the said James Roch and he further saith that he then followed that he followed Coll ô Dwyer aforesaid to Cashe{ll} but had no Cummand vnder him nor any other sence.
<B> Beinge demaunded Conserning Mr Carr he saith he Knew his howse in Cashell and saw him wonded before his owne owne dore by the said partys Roch William mc Shane & Kearny & that he was not in Mr carrs hows all thatt day.
Being demanded whether he did not [draw] the said Carr out of his bead he saith he did not.
Being dmaunded Conserning William Moone saith he was present when one Thomas Boorke whos father liued in Killtaine & Edmond ô Dwyer the sonn of Thomas Ro ô Dwyer of Killnemanagh did sease one the said Moone & in a garden in Cashell did hang him vp in a tree but att the intrety of this Examinent they did lett him down againe being demaunded bein whether this Examinant did not himselfe lay howld on the said Moon & threten to hang him & did hang him & so left him vntell another he saithe he did not. vntell another Came and Cut
and so leue him vntell another Came & Cut him downe he denieth itt & saith that the said Moone had bin hanged had it not bin for him this Examinant & that he Gaue him this Examinant thanks for Sauing him him
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him: & that the Caus of ther thretning to hang the said Moone was for that they thought he had mony Being demanded wheather he had not a hand in the Plunder of Cashell he saith he had not. & further saith not.
Vllicke Bourke
Deposed before vs the day
& yeare first written.
S: Richards.
Hen: Jones
Char Blount
Fran: Vaughan
fol. 240r
fol. 240v
The Examination of Vlicke
Bourke taken the
D 31th of August
Cashell Murther