Examination of Gawyn Browne
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fol. 259v
The Examination of Gawyn Browne of Dublin, taken the 23. of August 1652.
<A> This Examinant sworne & examined saith that he is aged ninteene yeares old: And that haueing he was in Cashell in the Co: of Tiperary when Philip o Dwyer & his party entred that towne in January 1641: That haveing seene & read the Examination of Ellice Meagher allias Joanes of Cashell taken the 23. of August 1652 he concurreth therein As to the murders & cruelties then comitted which he sawe or heard to haven beene comitted, but as to the names of persons actors in the said murders & cruelties he can not depose so particularly he being then but eight or nine yeares old. He farther saith that when the said Philip รด Dwyer & his party then entred Cashell as aforesaid, the townesmen of Cashell being drawen up in armes within the towne made shewe of resistance but that they shott powder onely without bullets, his cause of Knowledge is that he was present, & sawe none of the Enemy wounded, [ ] & that he hard his father & other of the protestants then present observe the same thing: & that Captain Patrick Boyton, & his brother Pierce Boyton his Lt, who commaunded the towne company aforesaid [ ] imediatly after joined with the Enemy, & were active in robbing & spoyling the protestants aforesaid, & that the said Pierce Boytons sister had Part of the Examinants clothes then taken which she did after weare. He This Examinant also concurreth with that relat{ } in the said Ellice Meaghars Examination concerning the imprisonment & { }ing of the said Protestants at that time: alsoe in what is related of the murth{er } two or three of the said protestants by the convoy in the way betweene { } & Clonmell, he this examinant being then present, & that he sawe Edward Bankes { } as aforesaide & farther saith not.
Gawne Br{owne}
<deposed before vs the day & yeare first above written.
Hen: Jones Char Blount >
fol. 260r
fol. 260v
The Examinations of
Ellice Meaghir &
Gawen Browne Browne.
Aug. 23. 1652
Cashell murther