Examination of Gamaliell Warters
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fol. 265r
The Examination of Mr Gamaliell Walrters of Cullin in the County of Tipperary taken the 25th of August 1652.
This Examinant sworne & Examined, saith he is aged thirty & three yeare or theyr abouts, saith that in nouember 1641 being in quiett possesion of his hows & Castell of Cullin in the County of tipperary that the Lor: of Castellconell & William Bourke then of polardstowne in the County of <A> Limrik Lt Coll. to the said lo: of Castellconell Turlagh mc Bryon of Castelltowne in the barrony of Conagh in the County of Limbrike, layd sege with many of others layd Sege to the Castell aforesaid, Continving the sege being Contrived by the said William Bourke & his Company vntill the n august 1642, the rest of that army part y being [ ] drawn of, as this Examinant was Credibly informed, the Castell being mainetained by myne this Deponents onwen owne men & other English who repa repared thither for Safty & att any his one Cost & Charges not receauing any thing from the Statte state neither in Armes or promise or pay, & that one Lamasday in the morning 1642, thirty three men women & Childrren going furth to gather Corne weare Murthered by the said Company one of which number by name Josias Brome a smith was murtherd by one william Bourke now of [ arthur ? ] Arkman in the Co: of Tiperary who was one of the said Lt. Coll: on Company which Kept the Seage, his Cause of Knowledg is that he the said bourke hath seuerall times tould him bostingly that he Killed the said smith him with his one hands & that he had so hard a scull that itt brooke his sworde, he further saith,
fol. 265v
Those whome this Deponent left being vnrully for maintaining his Castell as aforsaid haueing no head or person to Command them & they therfore not obseruing orders this Examinant thefore procured a Commision from the then president of Munster vnto William Hubert then in the said Castell to Comand theyr in, but not as a Souldiers Listed or in pay in any the army but maintained in the said Castell as is before expresed, & further saith not.
Ga warter
Deposed before vs
Hen: Jones
Char Blount
fol. 266r
fol. 266v
757XXVIII. Co. Tiperary.
The Examination of
Gamaliell Warter.
Aug. 25. 1652.
Cullen murther.
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