Examinations concerning the siege of Cullin

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=821267r176] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:53 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-11-27
Identifier: 821267r176


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Tipperary
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Captivity, Killing, Multiple Killing
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 267r

707 [ ] 717
Henry Washer Examined in Court saith
That Castle Connell & Lt Coll. Bourke were the greatest <A> Comanders there at the seige of Cullyn Castle he saith there were 33 or 34 Murthered Licence was desired of the said Bourke to Buryd by their D the Dead Murthered but it would not be granted.
that the Boy was sent for Tobacco out of the Cas t le and that the said Boy was Murthered in the street but who did did murther him he knowes not.
That John O Hyne was the most readiest man in the Murther of the said Persons

Vallentine Palmer Examined in Court saith
<B> That the Lord Castle Conell & others came & beseiged the Castle Cullyn they continued the seig till the 17 of March. that William Bourke Esquire then after be with others besiged it againe
That a party with Castle Connell after the said Castle was releiued by Capt Bridges sett vpon the said Capt and his Company & Killed about 40 of them
That about a litle before Lamas the seige raysed
That John O Hine about 3 or 4 yeares after told him [that] Lt. Coll. Bourkes wife sent a letter to her Husband saying that she was afray to liue where shee did that the Ambush three or 4 dayes after fell vpon the people & wounded him
And that 23 were of men women & Children were wounded

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718 [ ]
William Wigmer sworne in Court saith
<C> That the Castle of Cullyn was besiged by the Lo: of Castle Connell mc Byena, Arra, Kenidye & others That the Irish in 3 or 4 dayes after made an Engine called a Hogge which they left in the, & the people of the Castle burnt it.
That dureing the first seige there was were one [ ] Peirceuall & 2 or three more of the English hanged
That about the 17 of March the said Lt Coll. Bourke <D> beseiged the said Castle
That the people of the Castle on a Munday being Lamasday goeing out to gather Corne we the Ambosh the rose against them and killed 20 women 4 boyes & about 7 men
That there was a boy sent forth for Tobaco Dureing the aso last seige was hanged as this Deponent heard.

William Dames sworne in Court saith
<E> That he was at the first seig which beseiged by Lo. Castle Connell and that during the seig 2 men were hanged and that John O Hayne was a ready man in the actions of Murthers
That the said John O Hayne was a leader of the People in Rebellion against the English & that he comanded a company of souldiers

Henry Washer
<f> That he saw John O Hyne at the place where people were Murthered at the same tyme

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719 719 [ ]
Vallen William Do
William Blake saith
<G> That he did see John O Hayne [ ] at the Murthering of the 33 persons and that he at that tyme assaulted & endeauored to kill him this Examinant.

Thomas Browne saith
<H> That he mett John O Hayne & see Mathew Hiffernan at the head of the Mill who neere where the Murther was Comitted and that the said hinde was at the same tyme in Armes and that he saw him the said John O Hyne many tymes in Armes befor that tyme of Murther

William Wigmer William Palmer
That John O Mr Hyne as he heard had a hand in the Murther comitted at Cullyn and that he this Examinant mett the said Hyne in Comanding in the head of a Company

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[ ] 720
saith that he was at the seig of Cullyn and in the house & saith that their was 5
That one John Shepherd, one Roe, a litle boy & himselfe was taken prisoners

Henry Washer et al.


Examinacions taken
in Court.
27. Nouember 1652
concerning Bourke


Deponent Fullname: Henry Washer, Vallentine Palmer, William Wigmer, William Dames, William Blake, Thomas Browne, William Palmer
Deponent Gender: Male, Male, Neutral, Neutral, Neutral, Neutral, Neutral
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lord Castle Conell, Lt Coll. Bourke, John O Hyne, William Bourke, Capt Bridges, Mathew Hiffernan, * Peirceuall, John Shepherd, * Roe
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Denounced, Rebel, Victim, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim