Deposition of Mary Ellize
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:24 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 40r
Robarte Owgane late of Newmarkett in the Barrony of Dowhallowe in the Countie of Corcke gent: beeinge duly swoarne and examined (for and in the beehalf of Mary Ellize late of Killmcloyholl in the said Barriny and County widdowe of what losses and damage shee sustained since this presente rebellion in Ireland) beefore vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission beareinge date &c: deposeth and saieth that on or aboute the two and twentith day of december Anno domini one Thousand sixe hundred ffortie and one and since the beegininge of this present rebellion in Ireland shee was robbed lost and dispoiled of her goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt:
Of Cowes, heyfers, bullocks, steers, horses, garrons and Mares to the value of Seaventy and three pounds; Or therabouts or therabouts Of howshould stuffe tenn pounds or the like Of wheate in grownde two acres woorth to the value of ffower pounds or aboue nowe lost by meanes of this rebellion
Item The said deponent ffurther deposeth and saieth that ffynnyne mc Awliffe of Carrigcastle and Teige mc Awliffe of Castle mc Awliffe boath in the Barrony of Dowhallowe and County of Corcke gent and theire people or servants haue expelled and amoued the said Mary Ellize out of a parcell of land beeing parte of the lands of Drominargill scituat in the Barrony aforesiad of which parcell of land shee had a tearme of eight yeares or there abouts yett to come of the said parcell woorth her sixteene pounds cleere by the yeare without paying any thinge thereout which said ffynnyne and Teige and theere people or servants doe wrongfully and forceably detaine from her where by shee hath lost and is dampnified one hundred twenty and eight pounds or therabouts The totall of her losses amounts to Two hundred & fifteene pounds
fol. 40v
<B> pounds The deponent saith that the said Mary Ellize her goods & Chattles were taken away by ffyne Teig ffynen mc Awliffe of Carrigcashell in the said County gentleman & Teige mc Awliffe of Castle mc Awliffe in the said County gentleman He likewise saith that one Jonas a Tanner late of Newmarkett was murthered but by whome he knoweth & in a barbarous maner cutt him in peeces after they stripped him
Robert ougan
Jurat coram nobis
9o 9bris 1642
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrenchMary Ellizes Ch[ ]
of losses by the deposicon
of her ffather Robarte
Owgan e
The examination of Robert Owgan