Deposition of Randall Adams
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:50 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 45r
739 739
The deposicion of {the} deposition I Randall Adams Clearke formerly examined [ depose th] [ ] Westmeath sworne the deponent saith that whoe saith That That about the firist of Nouemb. 1641 hee being in companie with some of the cheefe gentlemen of West=meath neere the place of his and their residence he heard some of the said gentimen professe (and say that to some ffriars then in company) that { } they and their fellowes were the cause of this great and mischeeveous Rebellion, and [ ] shew’d to their face what litle, (and indeede no cause) they had to haue begunne so many foule, abominableus actions as ge first generally they enioy’de some of the cheefest benefits the Kingdome could afforde; and that none either of the best or greatest (all things considered) could so fully be made partaker of them as they were, and for a further cornvinceing of them & of and their damnable villany they instanced in very many particulars as first the great freedome they had in religeon without controule, and that they generally had the best horses, clothes, meats, drinkes; and all othe{r} sorts of prouision, delightfull, or usefull; soe that none other had, or could hope to haue the like upon such cheape, or easie termes, for they had all without either care, or cost of theirs; and they had these and many other priuiledges beyond any of their owne [ ] function ether Regular or [ se ] secular through the Christian world; and therefore most bitterly cursed them to their teethe & Sayeing that they hoped God would bring that vengeance home to them that they by their cursed plotts laboured so wickedly to bring upon others. the gentle [ ] men the forenamed that sopke those very same words, (or words th to the verry like purpose) were Sir Oliuer Tuite: Knight Barronette: Eduard Tuite Esquire: a Justice of the peace: and Andrew: Tuite Esquire another a Justice of the peace
Randall Adams
Jur xxijo Augusti 1642
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
fol. 45v
Westmeath hand w
Mr Randall Adams Jur
22o Augusti 1642