Deposition of James Byram
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 51r
James Byram of Garrisallaughe and Downes in the parishes of Straffarnan & Stonehall in the Baronie of Corkarie in the Countye of Westmeath duely sworne saith:
That hee and his sonne Thomas Byram in the Monethes of Nouember and December last, att seuerall tymes were Robbed & dispoyled of Goods of the vallue following.
li. s. d.
of Corne, Hay, Turffe, & tymber worth.................................080-00-00
of Cowes, Oxen and yong Cattle............................................020-00-00
Of Horses, Mares, Coultes, & plow Garrons..........................020-00-00
of Sheepe, swyne, & Goates worth.........................................050-00-00
of Houshold goods Bookes and woolle..................................060-00-00
of Leases of 10 yeares yett vnexpired worth per annum........015-00-00
Summa totall..............380-00-00
By the meanes of the rebells Lawrence Nugent of Straffarnon Garrald Tuite of Killinaglasse, Thomas Tuite of Monilea Henry Lacie of Rathgennie, Andrew Tuite of Rathconell and others;
Debts due to the said James Byram
Due vppon certaine of the Inhabitants of Moyassell by
theire seuerall bills and Bonds all robbd men.........................100-00-00
due alsoe vppon the said Inhabitants as
appareth by my Tyeth booke & Lent money..........................060-00-00
Sume totallis...............160-00-00
James Byram Clarke.
Summa totalis 440 li.
Jur 13o Martij 1641
Randall: Adams:
John Sterne
fol. 51v
810 Westmeath
James Biram Clarke Jur
13o Marcij 1641
Cert fact sol
In no