Examinations concerning Lord Ikerrine
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=821327r209a] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:31 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 327r
Mallow March 7th 165[3]
Depositions taken Concerninge the Lord Ikerrine of the County of Tippary in the yeare 41
ffrances Bettrige of Corke Gentleman Aged about 50 yeares beinge sworne and Examined Saith that hee was knew the afforesaid Lord
That hee was in Actuall Armes with the Eneimy and was Comander in Cheife of the Irish that Came to beseige the Garrison of Mallow
The Cause of this deponent Knowledge is that hee beinge and Liuinge then in Mallow and was taken prisoner by the afforesaid Ikeirine who did then search his pockett
ffrancis Brettidy
Taken before us S: Wheeller Tho: Coakley
Richard Williams of Mallow Gentleman Aged about 45 yeares beinge Sworne and Examined Saith that hee Liued as afforesaid in the yeare 41 and that he knew the afforesaid Ikerrine
That hee was in Actuall Armes with the Eneimy and had Comand of all the force of Irish that Came to beseige the Garrison of Mallow.
The Cause of this deponent knowledge is that hee was then Gouernor of A Castle in neere Mallow and did Receiue Summons from the afforesaid Ikerrine to deliuer up his trus the Castle which hee was forced att Last to doe and further Saith not
Rich: Williamson
Taken before us [S:] Wheeller
Tho: Coakley
fol. 327v
fol. 328r
fol. 328v
County Tippary
Lord Ikerrine
fol. 328ar
fol. 328av