Deposition of Katherine Dolbier

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:06 PM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 824006v009


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Multiple Killing
Deposition Transcription:

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<x> <21> Katherine Dolbier of Corke aged 43 yeares or there aboutes, being sworne & examined saith <B> shee liued that her husband Pasqua dolbier & shee liued at Belgooly, when the Irish gentry & others of the Barrony of Kinalea & others parts neare adiacent were gathered together the first yeare of the warres. the chiefe whereof were John Long of Mountlong, Phillip Barry og James Mellafont, dauid og Rea, & James Roche of Cunury, & Richard Roche fitz dauid with diuers others, this deponent was prisoner there, both shee & her husband were fetcht from theire house in Belgooly by Teige o Line Sergant to John Long aforesaid & imprissoned in the Castle of Belgooly & saith that another a seruant of the said Longs (whose name the deponent she knowes not) fetched Robert Beer & his wife from their house at Oyster hauen & imprissoned them likewise there, & alsoe Pasqua Trudgeon & William Lettamalone were brought from their habitations by the said Longs seruants & imprisoned alsoe & ffor two dayes after John Long aforesaid came into the roome where the prissoners were & said he would hang Pasqua Trudgeon aboue all men, & therevpon (c ame some irish men, & tooke away the said Pasqua before downe the stares before John Long, and carryed him into the garden & hang’d him there) commanded his men to carry him downe & he the said John Long followed them & the man was hanged forth with, afterwards, as shee verily beleeues, for shee saw his corps afterwards lying in a ditch hard by the place where she was told that he was hang’d; & the next day (being

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fyrday) about twelue a clocke in the night, there came into the roome where this deponent & the foresaid <A> prisoners were one donough o Coan fouler to the said John Long & three irishmen more the said one whereof had a bundle of haren ropes in his hand, and bound the said prissoners (vizt) Robert Beer, Joan Beer his wife, Pasqua dolbier (this deponents husband) William Lettamalone & carryed them three men downe into a lower roome vnder the prison, where she is Confident they hang’d them for shee heard Robert Beer cry out to his wife) God bewith you Joan Beer, God be with you Joan Beer I shall neuer see y ou thee noe more; one of the irish sa said whereto she heard one of the irish below say in irish it shall not be long be fore y she she follow thee sodainly after, they fetched her downe & hang’d her like wise; the morrow after (being Satterday) this deponent & Lettamalones wife were brought bef to William o dalys house neare the Castle, where were John Long & Phillip Barry og & diuers others. this deponent haueing one child on her backe & one in each hand & one in her belly, the said John Long asked his fouler aforesaid if that were the woman whose husband was hang’d last night, whoe answered it was shee, therevpon the said John Long gaue her six pence & commanded his said fowler to carry her with the sa i d Lettamalones wife backe to the prisson where they continued about six weekes from the begining of lent, vntill Easter ffurther being further examined she saith that dureing the time of their imprisonment a seruant an english woman seruant to Mr Tho: dant of Gorty grenan was committed there a while, after wards sent away by with some irish people whoe pretended men vnder pretence to convey her to her masters house; but as she heard was murthered by the ways, this deponent saw her cloathes brought out afterwards brought to Belgooly but which is the cause of her knowledge but as she heard was whoe whoe murthered by the way her this deponent knowes not her this deponents knowes not alsoe this deponent heard that Robert Beers two daughters were throwne ouer the cliff, neare Cunury, but by whome she knowes not & further saith not

Katherine [mark] Dolbier
her marke

Deponent Fullname: Katherine Dolbier
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Pasqua dolbier, Robert Beer, Pasqua Trudgeon, William Lettamalone, Joan Beer, John Long, Phillip Barry og, James Mellafont, dauid og Rea, James Roche, Richard Roche fitz dauid, Teige o Line, donough o Coan, Tho: dant, William o daly
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned