Information relating to Miles Cooke
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fol. 4r
John mc Morris รด Hagherin was indebted vnto Miles Cooke in the somme ofMiles Cooke arrested him for the same in Yoghall, and Jasper Collins became his bayle, and Cooke recouered a Judgment against him in the Tolsey of Yoghall.
<A> On Tuesday next preceeding Easter 1643 Miles Cooke went to Ballymartir to treate with John mc Morris about his said debt, where he was very sore beate by the said John McMorris, as also by a kinsman of the said Johns, who struck the said Cooke from his horse with a Bastinadoe, drew his sword and skeane vpon him, and beate and bruised him very sore, so as hee was then in danger to haue been killed had hee not been relieued by a Welch man, who dwells neer the gate of Ballymartir.
Vpon Wednesday in Easter week Miles Cooke being somewhat recouered of his bruises, left Yoghall, and repayred towards Corke <B> to complayne to the Lord of Inchiquin of these abuses done him, In his way between Yoghall and Barriscourt hee was seen by Captain Russell to drinke on horseback at the said Jasper Collins his house and afterwards to depart thence in the Company of a Trooper who was servant to Mr Gethings, and of one other horseman, who is since supposed to bee one David Connell sonn in law to the said John mcMorris
The same day one David Edward and Oliver Doleman soldiers vnder the command of Serjeant Major Piggott, travelling towards Barriscourt in the Evening betwixt that and Currabbey <C> they espyed a horse sadled and brideled without a Ryder, which they supposed to bee Cookes horse, As they were goeing ouer a hedge to lay hold on the said horse, there appeared vnto them on the other side of the hedge 5 or 6 men standing alrogether, who commanded Edwards and Doleman to stand, wherevpon they fearing to bee sett vpon returned ouer the hedge, and kept on their way towards Barriscourt, Amongst these they knew onely the said David Connell.
The next morning the said Connell came to Barriscourt to the said Edwards lodging and demanded of him, if hee knew what was become of Cooke or whether he had reported that he was killed, Edward {replyed} that hee had not reported so , {nor}
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did he know where Cooke was, Connell came to Edwards the second tyme being the next day after, and told him that Cooke was not killed as it was suspected, but that he was taken and carryed prisoner to Blarney
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