Deposition of William O’Wholie
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:36 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 12r
William Ô Wholie of the parish of Lysslee aged 36 yeares or thereabouts
He Beinge duly sworen & examined sayth That when before the Lord fforbus was intended to goe with a partie westward from Kinsale this examinant liued in the parish of Lysslee and was seruant to Mr William Barry. but hauinge notice of that March hee & diuers or most of all the inhabitants there went into Carbry. that after the Lord fforbus his retourne he this deponent retourned also homeward to his former dwelling at Lysslee by direction from his Master to see if with any safety he might retourne also. and cominge towards Edward Wilkins an English mans howse ere he came to it he diserned 5 or 6 men comminge towards him & was in a greate feare not knowinge whither they were English or Irish wherevppon he stood still by the syde of a bog vntill he disserned who they were & knew them to be dermod <A> mc Carmc James Bricklea alias duff Teige ô Wholeheene Shane ô Morhilly and some others vppon which he went on towards Edward Willkins his howse & came there ere those men did, Willkins assonne as he saw this Examinant asked him how he did & tould him that a Cow as he conceaued of this examinants which was droue away from the Land, & retourned back was gon gon or lost . the examinant asked how and ere the said Willkins could make answer those men came in & tould this examinant that Wilkins was one that tooke notice of their actions & was a spy & said thei would carry him to McCarty this examinant desired ernestly thei would not & said his Master would be angry with them for Wilkins his wyffe and Children were then with the said Barri this deponents master but he could not prevaile they tooke him away and not aboue 2 ropes lengths from his howse they stabd him, with a skeane & killd him.
William [mark] ô Wholie
is marke
This examinacion was taken
vppon Oath before me
the 18o No: 1652
Robert G[ ]
fol. 12v
fol. 12ar
fol. 12av
William ô Wholie his
Examinacion concerning the murther
of Edward Willkinns
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