Examination of John McTeige Cruoly

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826013r010] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:24 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-09-14
Identifier: 826013r010


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: Francis Wheeler, Peter Wallis
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 13r


The Examinacion of John McTeige Cruoly of Clouncoolebege taken the 14th of September 1652
Sayeth That the day or the day after Kilbrittaine Castell was taken by the English about Whitsuntide 1642. he this Examinant was present at a Rendesvouze & assembly of the Country with McCarthy Reagh at killivarrigg neare Tymaleage where newes was brought to McCarthy of the surrender of the foresaid Castell to the English. At which he seemed verie much displeased, in soe much that he went a little apart from his Companye & sett him downe vnder a Bush a pretty space of tyme, & noe man (in regard of <A> his discontent) spake any thing to him: But (at length) on this Examinant sawe some Gentlemen of the Country pull him by the Cloake & say come nowe why are you soe melancholy come let vs take horse or words to that effect; wherevpon McCarthy arose & called for his horse, And as he was getting vpon his horse, he this Examinant (being verie neare to him) verie well remembreth he then sawe McInycrymine come to McCarthy & aske of him what he should doe with Burrowes & them, whereto McCarthy replyed [ ] fiercely, goe you & them to the devill & afterwards where you will: And this Examinant further sayeth, that he did not see Burrowes or his wife at the Rendesvouze, nor heard that they any of thing of their being from McInycrymine Castell where they were formerly kept, but heard they were hanged that afternoone, by some of the warde that belonged to McInycrimines Castell; And this Examinant being further demanded whither there was any Counsell of Officers held that doe about day at the foresaid Rendesvouze about the Condemning or Tryall of the foresaid Burrowes <B> he answered possitiuely there was none, for that McCarthy presently after McInycrimine had spoke to him gott on horse backe & ridd away & this Examinant with him as farr as Clonakilty: And this Examinant being further demanded whither he heard that day, or any tyme before, of any accusacion thinge, laid to the Charge of the foresaid Burrowes or any of his family for sendeing any Intelligence to the English or keepeing any Correspondence with them, Answereth possitiuely that there was none laid to his charge that day nor

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Nor any before that ever he heard of: And being further demanded whither ever he heard that the foresaid Burrowes was carried to McCarthy or to any of his Rendesvouze at Iniskeyne or else where vpon any such account whatsoever or that mcInicrimine should become his baile to McCarthy Reagh fo vpon any score Answereth possitiuely he never heard att <C> the day of the said Burrowes his death or before of any such thinge. And this Examinant being further asked how Burrowes came into McIncrimines Custody: Answered that he heard & doth verily beleuie it was voluntarily for the said Burrowes Better safeguard & protection: And this Examinant further sayeth that at the day of the said Burrowes his death M cInicrimine lived in his Castle of Beallaheenuroagher & afterwards but for how long afterwards he cannot well remember And this Examinant further sayeth that, vpon a generall rumor in the Country that Burrowes was basely hanged by McInicrimine & his sons he heard that mcInicrymine or some of his people should report that he the said Burrowes or some of his people should send to Bandon bridge for some of the English to come to fall vpon McInicrymine to his losse. And further sayeth not:/

John McTeg Crolie
Jurat & examinant
coram nobis
Peter Wallis
ff: Wheeller

John McTeige Cruoly his
about Burrowes

Deponent Fullname: John McTeige Cruoly
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: McCarthy Reagh, * Burrowes, * MccInycrymine
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Victim, Rebel