Examination of Dermod Roe ô Cnogher
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fol. 46r
The Examinacion of Dermod Roe ô Cnoghor of Moyolloe adged ffortie yeares or thereabouts being dulye sworne & examined concerning the Murther comitted att dromore castle in the yeare before the first cessacion saith that before the Murther comitted att the Castle of Dromore aforesaid hee this deponent togeather with one Thomas Phale bargained with one John mcDonogh ô Lyane for two barrells of wheate & two barrells of oatmeale of ould Moyalloe measure for a certaine somme which this deponent cannot well Remember <A> it being soe longe since) & therevppon gave him the said Lyane six shillings sterling earnest & presently afterwords & vppon further agreement deliuered six shillings more in further consideracion thereof & for the better performance to bee payde on ffrydye following & faylinge to meete to deliuer the same on Mundaye following And alsoe vndertooke what soever moneys this deponent and the said Phale woulde bring alonge with them to Castlemore Mill that hee would furnish them with soe much [ ] wheate & oatmeal as theyre moneys came too And the said Phale goeing a little before this deponent & goeing to Castle dromore Castle was there with three more in his companye Murthered whose names hee knoweth not but onely one John Hallowaye And this deponent verily beleeveth that the saide deponent Lyaine did doe it of sett putpose to distroye the said Phale & this deponent but that Owen mc Reyrie was one of the Murtherers
Dermod Roe [mark] ô Cnoghor
his marke
fol. 46v
Concerning the Murther
Committed at