Examination of Phileme McOwen Carty
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fol. 49r
The Examinacion of Phileme mc Owen Carty of Curry Crowly taken vpon oath 10o Sept: 1652
Saith that february in the first yeare of the warr Rebellion, he saw about twenty Englishmen <A> prisoners at Eniskeene, the names of whom (sauing one wellington) he cannot call to remembrance) this Examinant saith that they ware prisoners with mccarty Reaghs mc Carty Reaghs soldiers there, and that McCarty Regh kept his Campe there, And this Examinant saith that McCarty Reagh was there & Comanded there in cheefe, And this Examinant saith that there were foure englishmen hangd at Curry=Crowley by when mc Cartis Campe was there, which was some short time, after this Examinant saw the Aforesaid prisoners at Eniskeene. And farther this Examinant saith not that he saw those 4 English men, as they marched towards Carry Crowley when the Campe remoued and he farther saith that McCarty Reagh was in the lead of the Cur soldiers when they marched away! And this Examinant saith he doth not remember that there were aboue foure Englishmen that were carried marched away, with the campe, but saith, there might be more for ought he knew; And he saith, that the aforesaid Englishmen were taken about Eniskeene, & in those parts! And further this Examinant saith not! And this Examinant saith that he heard that some of the aforesaid English that were prisoners escaped away to Eniskeene Castle!
ffeillem Carty
coram nobis
John Clerke
Peter Wallis