Deposition of Richard Greene et al. ex parte Sir Arthur Loftus
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:23 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 78r
Richard Greene late of Clansharugh in the County of Wexford Gentleman, George Hinckley nowe of Dublin gentleman, Thomas Harte of dublin gentleman, & Thomas Huggins of Dublin gentleman, sworne and examined depose and saie, That Sir Arthur Loftus Knight by the meanes of this present Rebellion is expelled deprived or otherwise hath lost for this present yeare 1641 the Rents and proffitts of his Mannor Lordship Landes & tenements hereafter mencioned, which therevnto haue formerly yssued accrued, and beene for the same answered, Conteyning the seuerall & respective somme & somes of money hereafter particulerly expressed (vizt)
The rents and proffitts of the Lands belonging to the Lordship and Mannor of Trim let to seuerall Tenants (who by reason of this present Rebellion are disabled to make satisfaccion), the somme of ffive Hundred pounds or thereabouts
The Lease of the Lands at Castlebridge in the County of Wexford for which there as offered not long before this Rebellion the somme of Twelue Hundred pounds or thereabouts: Besides the losse of a yeares rent (the Tennants not able to make satisfaccion the somme of One hundred & fiftie poundes (of which there hath beene received only Twenty pounds or thereabouts:
The Rents of the seuerall ffarmes of Cloghgrenon in the County of Catherlagh and of Kilhile in the County of Wexford with three other ffarmes adioyning (the Tennants part of them robbed & spoyled by the Rebells, and the rest in Rebellion) the somme of Two hundred threescore and six poundes and fifteene shillinges or thereabouts;
And the said Sir Arthur Loftus hath also lost and beene dispoyled by the Rebells of a stocke of Sheepe Horses & other Cattle in the County of Wexford to the value of Six hundred forty & five poundes or thereabouts;
And hath also lost another stocke of Sheepe Horses and Cattle in the County of Catherlagh to the value of Eight hundred Threescore and fourteene poundes or thereabouts, ffor Eleaven hundred poundes of the two last mencioned sommes the said Sir Arthur Loftus [ ] borrowed to buy the said stocke, and payeth interest yearely One hundred & x li., or thereabouts And hath also lost of Corne and Haye in the Haggard, Corne in the grounde and in hindrance for not plowing in both the said Countyes, besides the losse of Plowe harnesse Cartes and all other necessaries belonging to Husbandrie, with the losse of Housholdstuffe in Castle bridge house, In all to the value of Six hundred Threescore and seaventeene poundes or thereabouts.
And besides the said Sir Arthur Loftus his house at Cloghgrenon is and hath beene a long tyme Invironed and beseeged by the Rebells (as theis deponents are credibly informed) the which in respect of his greate charge in defending and resisting the same by a good number of men the spoyling
<28 Ric Greene pro wexford
Sir Arthur Loftus his
{ }>
fol. 78v
spoyling and wasting of his house, and housholdstuffe provisions and other goodes there, the burning of his Barnes stables and other outhouses (As theis deponents are verely perswaded is or is like to bee Dampnifyed) the somme of Eight hundred poundes or thereabouts.
<5002 li.-13 s.
[ ]5202 li.-13 s.>
Thomas Hart Richard Greene
Thomas Huggins George Hinckley
Deposed before vs
febr. 12. 1641.
Hen: Jones
Joh Watson: