Deposition of Anthony Mansell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:23 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 133r
Anthony Mansell Late of Ballyhustie in the Barony of Duhalla and Countie of Corke gent (a brittish protestant) duely examined before vs by vertue of &c. deposed and saieth that aboute the 11th of Moalloe & since the begininge of this rebellion in Ireland hee lost and was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt.
Of Cowes and yonge Cattell and woorkeinge oxen worth one hundred and twentie pounds ster. Of Mares horses geldings and stone horsses and coults worth seauenty pounds ster. Of houshould stuffe fo worth fifteene pounds ster. Of Corne and hay standinge in Ricke thresd threshed in the howse and threste by Cahir o Callaghan direction worth one hundred pounds ster. Hee further saieth that the remainder of his lease of Ballyhustie worth one hundred and fiftie pounds ster. And further saieth that his Corne on the ground is worth fower skore and ten pounds ster which hee verily beleeueth is Lost. Cnogher ny [ ] oweing [ ] oweing him by bill fiue pounds ster which hee beleeueth is lost hee beinge a Rebell. hee lastly saieth in waynes harrowes yokes and Chaines hee lost to the value of ten pounds ster The whole summe amountinge to fiue hundred and sixty pounds ster which is all hee can depose.
Anthony Mansell
Jurat coram nobis
3o May 1642
Phil: Bisse:
Ric: Williamson
fol. 133v
8[ ] 801
The Examinacion of Anthony
Anthony Mansell his