Deposition of Henry Palmer
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:23 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 88r
Henry Palmer late of Fethert in the County of Wexford Bricklayer duly sworne saieth That on or about the first day of December last past, he was robbed & dispoiled of goods Corne, hay, Cattell money & houshold stuffe to the value of fforty pounds ster or thereabouts by & by the meanes of one Dermot Mc Dooley Cavenagh the head of the Rebells there & his company And that theis traiterous words were <A> spoken outrages & lewd accions were by the parties Rebells committed in maner following. when they had taken the Castle of ffethert belonging to mr Nicholas loftus the said Dermot Mc Dooley Cavenagh said to the parties therein doe you thinke that this Castle shall hold you, noe nor the strongest Castle in Ireland, be gon you English doggs, for wee doe only take your goods now, but worse shall follow, And they went into the Church & Cutt the Pulpit Cloth & the ministers books in peeces, & strewed them about the Church yard, & caused the Piper to play while they daunced & trampled them vnder their feete & called the minister dogg & stript him of his Cloths, And that saith that they wounded seuerall persons that were by in the Castle and ta towne some of which by reason of their wounds, cold and want dyed And what cloths this deponent & others had left, (which were but meane) coming to Dublin, were also taken from them, And the [ ] Irish denyed them lodging & other releife, insomuch that they were constrayned to ly out of doores naked, all night. And further saith: That oneWelsh of Kilcullen bridg in the County of Kildare Inkeeper after that this deponent was soe robbed & stripped tould this deponent: That he the said Welsh knew that the King was in the north of Ireland & ridd disguised & hadd glassen Eyes becaws he wold not be Knowne and that the King was as much against the protestants protestants as he himself & the rebells were: ffor that the puritants in the Parliament of England threw lybells in disparagement of the Kings Maiesty: makeing a question whether a King or noe King: and this (said the said
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<A.> Welsh) is your Religion speaking to this Deponent & other protestants in his Company: & meaning them & all other protestants: against whom he spoke very disgracefully: s and that some other rebells said that they had it <a {br}oad seale> vnder the queens hand for what they did And further saith that Richard Palmer <{his} father> was at Fethert aforesaid ro alsoe robbed & dispoyled of goods worth xxx li. by the <rebells> aforesaid
Henry Pallmer
Jur xijo Jan 1641
coram nobis
John Sterne.
Will: Hitchcocke.
fol. 89r
fol. 89v
Henry Palmer Com wexford
Jur Jan: 12o 1641
hand 1 dec