Examination of Donnogh ô Colman
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826063r066] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:00 PM
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fol. 63r
<4.> david Quinlan Donnogh ô Colman aged 6 40 years or thereabouts deing duely sworne and examined deposeth & sayth that about <B> nyne yeares since he this deponent beinge att his plow on the Lands of Coolyduff he did see about twenty souldiers of Captain Barretts take twoe English men that dwelt nere or C att Carriggraghan but he Certainely knoweth not theire names, but further saith that he knew three of the Company whoe murdered the said Englishmen whose names are Thomas Thomby William Barrett and Edmond Barrett his Cause of knowledge is for that he beinge att his plow as aforesayde did see what he hath deposed to be true. And further sayth not./.
Donnogh ô Coleman
his [mark] Marke
Taken before me this Last of
November 1652
Ro: Saunders
fol. 63v
140[ ]
The examinacion
of Phillipp Allen
& others against
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