Examination of William McDermod
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<2.> William mc Dermod aged forty yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne and examined by virtue of his oath sayth,
<B> That Dermod Carty alias Glacke did about ffebruary 1641 raise & arme a great number of Irish men and marched with them to Crookehaven against the English Inhabitants of that towne, and that a servant to the said Dermod Carty alias Glacke called John the Cooper killed the wife of William Allen, being an English woeman and an Inhabitant of the said towne.
He further sayth by virtue of his oath that the English Inhabitants of Crookehaven, being in great distreese, sent a Mayd with a <C> letter, privately eastward: to make knowne the necessitous condition, they were then brought into by the said Dermod Carty alias Glacke (who then beseiged them) that the said Mayden was Intercepted by the said Dermod Carty alias Glacke, or some of his men and his command hanged vp in a wood neere the fower mile water.