Examination of Baldry McDermod
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826071r076] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:22 PM
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fol. 71r
The Examination of Baldry mack dermod aged 40 years sworn and Examined saith
Thatt In the first Rising of the rebelion this Examinatt Liwed att CoolBrack near Castle hawen and ther was A yong maid named Alce Phipeny Coming from the Castle hawen garison, with A Letter, and being formerly Aqainted Cam In to the hous as this Examinantt which was going from thatt Howse for fear of the Garison beCaws that day ther had bin som scirmadg and som of the garison wear slain, This Examinatt fearing hee might svfer for thatt, and soe this Examinants wiff and her sister was Caring A way som of his goods on ther Back, and this Alce Phipeny, with them, and this Examinatt staid behin to Catch A pigg of his too Carriy with him, and ther was one Cormac mc Philimon went with them and A nother yong man daniell o Lenah and this Cormagh Coming be hind them hauing; A half pike in his hand ran her quitt through and after broke his pike Abowt her as this Examinantts wife and sister told him, and when this Examinatt Cam thatt way the girll was dead, and he wold haue had this Examinatt help too Bury her but refused, for ffear he shold be qestioned for it and afterwards he did often Chaleng this Examinantt for being much his hindranc be Cawss This Examinatt wold be often speaking of itt.
The mark of [mark] Baldry mac
Sept 28 1652
ff: Wheeller
fol. 71v
The examination of
Baldry mac dermod A
bowtt the murder of
Ailis Phipeny
Q X 2