Deposition of William Leighe
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:41 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 119r
964.Nouember 20eth 1641 William Leighe of the Inch in the County of Wexford Tanner
An intim ation of what goods and Cattell Ihad takenn sworne and depossed sayeth that he away <robbed dispoiled> and had taken from him the 20th of nouember: by the meanes of theise whose whose names ensue vizt with their quoherence first that is ‘ to say ’ Torlough Keuenagh of molane o grouth John Keuenaugh of Croncruben Danniell <A> Borne of Bolebann: nicolas Mollcaell of Coullgreney: donough mc morthough: of Croncruben all within the County of wexford and all neare dwellers: and tennants vnto the Lord Essmond of Limbrick of these goods following s. d.
In primis in tanned Lether and grine hides -------------------15-10-00
In Barke and Lime -----------------------------------------------08-15-00
in working Kniues and other toulles --------------------------00-10-08
fower Sesstornes: or tann fattes which cost ------------------02-00-00
Twoo Einglish Cowes: and one horse ------------------------08-00-00
in Corne: and heay ----------------------------------------------03-00-00
in garden stufe that is to say Potatoes: and likes ------------04-10-00
in Linenn Clothes as shites and other wearing clothes -----03-15-00
Twoo beddes with their forneture -----------------------------04-00-00
two pices of wollin Cloth ---------------------------------------01-00-00
in Clothes of my wiues to the full vallue of ------------------03-10-00
in woodden vessells one pott and a brasse skellett ----------01-00-00
in Silluer -----------------------------------------------------------00-18-10
in a farme which I held from the Lord Essmond
hauing a Lease during my Life vallued as for which he was
offered before this rebellion ------------------------------------10-00-00
in Building vppon the same farme which hee
bult. the Last farmer and since he was offer ed the ten pound aforesaid and cost him to the full ----------------------------------------------------------10-00-00
Likewise in debt due vnto mee from Connoher
kennouan of Limbrick Brogemaker who is in rebellion ---00-09-05
due vnto mee from mahoune mc dermont
of Ballemacken who is in rebellion ----------------------------00-05-00
The totall som is -----------------------77-03-11
And further sayth that the parties hereafter namd have carried and borne armes with and for the rebells & done & comitted divers outrages & robberies & against the Kinges good Subiects vizt. william doyle of ffort- <B> chichester in the County of wexford gentleman Edmund Doyle of the same gentleman John Dale of Monytowre gentleman Daniell dale of the same gentleman his brother Morrice Cavenagh of Kilbegg late servant to mr Tho: wakefeild now Major of Dublin: (who was one of the Rebells that tooke all the cattle from the Prospect being Mr Edward Chichesters howse vizt all the cattle there of the said <C> Mr Chichester Mr John Waddington mr John Cliff Mr John Tristeene, & Mr William Barcroft, the cattle being in number as this deponent hath [ ] heard confessed by the rebells three hundreth and fowrscore,) Cahir Bane of Coolroe <C> yeom farmer Lawrence Mc Art of the same an ancient Rebell in the for & a murtherer & so proclaimed before the warrs began
fol. 119v
began: Moyle Murry Mc Art of the same his brother Richard Crum late of the Moate gentleman: Donnogh mc Art of Ballieilan farmer <A> John welsh of Kilmacandoge gentleman Owen ô Bolgarr of the same Chirurgion Nicholas Esmond of Ballilease gentleman Symon mc Edmund of Ballyelim owen Mc Murthoe of Croncruben farmer Thomas Mc Manus alias ô Canovan Donnell o Canovan his sonne The ô C John & James ô Canovan 2 other of his sonns: Tho mc Phillip alias Constance of Colroe farmer John mc Phillip of Tomcoyle his brother <B> Hugh ô Brandon of Ballilurkan gentleman Dennis Dale of the Gurteene gentleman & Daniell ô Towne of the same gentleman all of the County of wexford
William Leigh
Jur 6o Julij 1642
John Sterne:
Will: Hitchcocke.
fol. 120r
fol. 120v
45. 46. 47
William Leighe Jur
Robert Birchall
6o Julij 1642
hand w Intratur
Into [ ] Cert for all theis
& for Geo. Cewbey
Com wexford
2 Cert fact pro [ ]
quibuslibt [eorum]