Deposition of Cyprian Hawkins
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:25 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 172r
Cyprian Hawkins Late of Ardroslick of the parish of Inskynny in the barony of Kerycorrihy within the County of the Cittie of Corke beinge duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs & others directed (beareing date at dublin the 5th day of march in the 17th yeere of his Maiesties raigne that nowe is) touchinge the losses & suffrings of his Maiesties subiects and protestant within the province of Munster deposeth and saith. That on or aboute the Candlemas last past & since this rebellion he was robbed & forceably dispoyled of his goods and Chattles to the values followeing vizt
Of his cowes & one heiffer to the value of eight pounds Item of his Improuement to the value of twenty pounds which he expects to receaue noe benefitt by till peace be settled in Irlan d Of others goods to the value of one pounds. Of his enterest in the lease of Ardros licke aforeaid to the value of twenty pounds sterling. further he canot depose The totall amounts to nyne & twenty pounds sterling
Ciprian [mark] Hawkins marke
Jurat vltimo Aprilis 1642
Ni: Philpot
Phil: Bisse.
Richard ffrench
fol. 172v
The examination of
Cyprian Hawkins
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