Deposition of John Collins
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:34 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 176r
John Collins late of Clancoole begg in the parish of Ballemoda{n} and barrony of Kinalmeakey in the County of Corke yeoman (a brittish protestant) beeinge duely Sworne and examined by vertue of &c deposeth & saith that on or aboute Candlemas laste hee was robbed of his goods & Chattles to the seuerall vallues followinge Vizt
Of Cowes oxen and horses to the vallue of eighteene pounds sterlinge of Corne & hay in haggard to the vallue of twenty shillings ster hee further saith hee was expelled and driuen from his howse & farme in the County wherein hee had of Corne in ground which hee Conceaues to bee Loste to the vallue of forty shillings sterlinge: Alsoe hee deposeth & saith that by reason of this present rebbellion hee was dispossessed of his howse & farme in the said County woorth Combij annis aboue the Landlords rent fower pounds per annum hee haueinge a lease then of Seauenteene yeares to come beeinge well improued which hee vallues woorth twenty pounds ster beesids other necessarie{s} touchinge his howse & husbandry to the vallue of thirty shillings ster The totall of his to two & fforty pounds ten shillings The deponent saith that he was robbed by the rebells their names he knoweth not
John [mark] Collins marke
Jurat coram nobis
24o 7bris 1642
Tho: Graye Dec:
Phil: Bisse
fol. 176v
John Collins Examination