Deposition of Robert Brereton
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:17 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 5r
Captain Robert Brereton late of the Ilands in the County of Tipperary now serveing his maiesty vnder the commaund of Collonell Craforde duely sworne and examined deposeth, that by meanes of this present generall rebellion in Ireland begining 8bris 23o last, he was robbed and despoyled of these particulars following vizt
Inprimis he lost at the sayd Ilands and Kilmaculmoge in the sayd County 960 sheepe worth 6 li. per score 288 li. It: in corne and hay there in haggard worth 80 li. It in corne there in ground which he deposeth and giveth as quite lost and gone from him at least 40 li. It: in 31 fayre Engsh cattle worth 2 li.- 10 s. eych of them amountinge to 77 li. 10 s. It: in six heyfers worth 12 li. It in 5 steeres and a bull 12 li. It: in 6 oxen 12 li. It: in 11 calves 11 li. It: in 9 yong calves 3 li. It: in 6 horses 15 li. It: in pewter, brasse, linnen, bedding, clothes and other householde stuffe and necessaryes within and without doores 80 li. It: he deposeth that his two leases one of the sayd Ilands and the other of the sayd Kilmaculmoge were worth 400 li. before this present rebellion and that now they are not worth the landlords rent Tot: 1030 li. The parties that robed him
he can not Depose vnto, by reason he was employed in his maiestyes service abroad, and was not an eye witnesse of the sayd robberies, but deposeth in a word that he <1030 li.> hath beene damifyed by meanes of this rebellion the vallue of one thousand & thirty pounds str: at the least.
Ro: Brereton
Deposed maij 19o 1642. before vs.
Will: Hitchcock
Hen: Brereton
(endorsement on
fol. 6v