Deposition of Lidia Colquite
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:07 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 180r
Lidia the relict of John Colquite Late of Castletowne in the Countie of Tipperary gentleman sworne & examjned sayth. That since the begining of the present Rebellion & by meanes thereof Her said husband (then alive, but since dead) & shee were deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of & Lost in the proffitts of their farme & improvements there, and in Cattle, Corne, finished Oares due debts howsholdgoods & other thinges of the value & to their Losse of three hundred & sixteene poundes sterling By and by the meanes principally <A> of one George Carter of Knockanaderrick in the same Countie gent an Agent in the Silver mynes for Sir Basill Brooke Knight which George Carter they trusted with the most of their goods when before the Rebellion, they came from Castletowne aforesaid, And after the said George Carter turned Rebell and yet (as she hath credibly heard, being an Englishman) was at length murthered by the other Rebells in that Countie And she hath alsoe beene tould by Sir Thomas Meredith Knighte that divers of the English workmen at the silvermynes in Knockanaderrick aforesaid, that were indebted to her said husband and her, were also cruelly murthered by the Rebells & throwne into the myne pitts
Lidia Colquitt
Jur primo Augusti 1643
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich
Edw Pigott
fol. 180v
Lidia Colquitt Jur primo Aug