Deposition of Gavan Barklie
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:06 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 200r
A particuler of all such goods and Chattells as Gavan Barklie minister of gods word and late Chantor of Cashall in the Kingdome of Ireland was Robed & spoyled of in Mounster in the saide kingdome by The Irish Rebells in this late Rebellion
li. s. d.
Inprimis a lease of lands in Cleark worth ------------ 080-00-00
Item Rents and duties of Church meanes
for five yeares past -------------------------------------- 860-00-00
Item in houshould goods ------------------------------- 080-00-00
Item in kine great and small 108 head ------------- 160-00-00
Item in horses mares & Colts 24 head --------------- 071-00-00
Item in Sheepe 60 head -------------------------------- 003-00-00
1254 li. 00-00
Item in debts due by specialtie readie to be
produced with vse -------------------------------------- 502-13 s.-09
Item in debts due without specialtie ----------------- 080 li.-00-00
The totall of all losses is1836 li.-13 s.-09 d.
Ga Barclay
<A> The lease called Cranagh taken away by Murtagh mc Donnall รด Bryan of Anagh in the Countie of Tipperarie Esquire in the month of december 1641.
The Church meanes by the Popeish Clergie the same month
The houshould goods by the said Murtagh the same month
The Cattle by the saide Murtagh, Dermott & Mahowne Bryan of Gortinore in the said County & Dermot mc Teige <B> Ryan of Ballivegan in the saide County and others vnknowen the same month
The horses in like manner and sheep alsoe the same month
debts due by specialties are by inhabitants of Cashall and other neighbouring Irish and stripped English as appeareth by specialties, and likwise without specialties
Ga Barclay
Jurat 29. Sept. 1646. coram nobis
Hen: Clogher.
Hen: Brereton
fol. 200v
fol. 201r
fol. 201v
Com Tiperary
Gavan Barkly jurat
Sept. 29. 1646.