Examination of Margrett Barry
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The Examinacion of Margrett Barry aged 31 yeares sworne & examined saith, Sept. 9o: 1652
<Saith> that, shee was in Dundaniell Castle in at the very begining of the Rebellion, and that shee saw & knew, one Richard Comber senior, & Richard Comber Junior, & one Baker, brought in prisoner by some of the soldiers of the said Castle and shee saith (as shee best remembers) that they were taken about one of the clocke in the day time & she saith, that shee know, Rich: Morphee, <A> Cno knogher, Morrowly & Dermond mcffinyn who, with many others which brought in those three Englishmen, (whom shee cannot name; And this Examinant saith that about the euening of the said day, wherein the said 3 english were taken, they were Carried forth of the Castle & hang’d by Mr Hollands house, neere the Castle same after that 2 two vizt Richard Combes senior & Baker were hang’d, the younger Combes, offred ten pounds for his life, the which they accepted <B> & Rich: Morphee, dermond mc ffynyn & Robert Barry went with him to the said Combes, house & where he had his mony, & they tooke from him the some of about thirty fiue pounds, which he had there, and afterwards brought the said Combes back to the place where the two were hangd & there hanged him also! And this Examinant saith that shee saw them bring the aforesaid some of mony into the Castle and what farther was done with it this Examinant knoweth not.
the marke [mark] of
Margrett Barry
Exam: et Jurat coram nobis
John Clerke
ff: Wheeller